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Good Faith Estimate

Very Important!

​You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost. Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.


You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.


Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service.

If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill. Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate. For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or call 800-985-3059.


Cancellation Policy


If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure you cancel at least 24 hours beforehand. Otherwise, you will be charged for the full rate of the session.


Confidentiality & Privacy Policy

The Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), protects the relationship between a client and a psychotherapist, and information cannot be disclosed without written permission. A clinical summary is provided upon written request only.


Any Other Questions


Please contact us directly for any additional questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

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