Navigating the Holidays with an Eating Disorder: A Compassionate Approach to Self-Care
The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, celebration, and indulgence. However, for individuals struggling with eating...

Navigating the Journey of Parenthood: Tips to Thrive as a Parent
Parenthood is a remarkable journey filled with love, joy, and challenges that test your patience and resilience. From the moment you hold...

Happy Thanksgiving!
I wish you a wonderful holiday filled with love and compassion. May this Thanksgiving day connect you with a deeper sense of gratitude...

Eat Mindfully This Holiday Season and Avoid Emotionally Eating!
This is the time of the year when families get together and there are many feelings that can arise from those encounters! I know, I also...

Have a Mindful Holiday
Mindfulness has become a very popular word to describe bliss and awareness but many people don’t really know that mindfulness is a skill...

This Holiday Season: Stop and Feel
The holiday season can be a very challenging time of the year for many individuals who struggle with difficult family dynamics, health...

Stay Calm and Ride the Waves of the Storms in your Life
When storms approach we often fell anxious and stressed out about what it’s going to happen. The loud thunder, lighting, the strong winds...

Avoid the FAT Chat this Summer and Embrace the Summer FUN!
Often times we hear other woman (and men) make negative comments about their bodies, saying things like “I’m so fat”, “I have gained so...

Flourish this Summer
Positive Psychology states that several things contribute to well-being but focuses on five core elements that they believe really...

Tips and Tricks to Be More Present in Your Life
Last week I was so caught up in my thinking that I missed my exit while I was driving to work. The scary part is that I realized this...