Feeling Stuck?
However, clinicians also have reported success using EMDR in treatment of the following conditions:
Panic Attacks, Complicated Grief, Dissociative Disorders, Disturbing MemoriesPhobias, Pain Disorders, Performance Anxiety, Stress Reduction, AddictionsSexual and/or Physical Abuse, Body Dysmorphic Disorders, Personality Disorders
When a painful or upsetting experience happens, the memory of the experience sometimes stays “stuck” in the body and mind causing upsetting emotions. Over time, the occurrence may manifest in disturbing and invasive ways. EMDR seems to have a direct effect on the way that the brain processes information. Normal information processing is resumed and stored in a different way, so following a successful EMDR session, you no longer relive the images, sounds, and feelings associated to the traumatic event. You still remember the event, but it is less upsetting, giving you a sense of relief and hope. Many types of approaches used in therapy have similar goals. However, EMDR appears to be similar to what occurs naturally during sleep or REM (rapid eye movement) sleep where the person dreams. This makes EMDR a physiologically based approach that helps you see disturbing material in a new and less distressing way. However, one or more sessions are required for the therapist to assess and understand the source of distress and to determine if EMDR is an appropriate treatment for you. The therapist will also discuss EMDR more fully and provide an opportunity to answer questions about the method. Once therapist and client have agreed that EMDR is appropriate for a specific problem, the actual EMDR therapy may begin.
A typical EMDR session lasts from 60 to 90 minutes depending on the nature of the problem, life circumstances, and response to treatment. EMDR increases your ability to cope and self-regulate and may be used within traditional talk therapy, as an adjunctive therapy with a separate therapist, or as a treatment all by itself.
EMDR also can be used effectively with children who struggle with symptoms of PTSD, anxious attachment , dissociation, and self-regulation. It has also been effective in treating symptoms related to guilt, anger, depression, and anxiety, and can be used to boost internal resources, self- confidence and self-esteem. EMDR is often used in combination with other therapeutic modalities, such as art therapy, sand tray therapy, and play therapy. Please call today for a FREE phone consult!